Technology Centers

In our “there’s an app for that” high-tech, web-based world where companies valued at billions of dollars seem to appear (and often disappear) overnight, we think it is refreshing to that our customers build real products that can be seen and felt. It may seem a little old fashioned, but we still believe that the old adage that wealth is created by growing crops, mining, or manufacturing still holds true. Like our customers, Action Machinery is a bricks and mortar company with a physical presence in the markets we serve.
Our customers have the opportunity to see equipment demonstrated under power at our technology centers in Denver and Salt Lake City. We regularly stock equipment from Marvel Band Saws, Omax Water Jets, Accurpress Press Brakes & Shears, Timesavers Finishing Machines, Safan Electric Press Brakes and others. We work with cutting edge manufacturers such as Mazak Corporation to regularly demonstrate their latest technology at our facilities. Contact us to schedule your personal demonstration or look at our schedule of upcoming events.